Today was the first day of classes at LSU. I left the house at 6:50 am, and arrived home at 6:10 pm. NOT my idea of fun! This is because my schedule has me teaching at 10:40 every day and until 4:30 every day except Fridays (when I get to leave at 3:30, woo hoo!) I will miss having Fridays off, but then, I don't have Mr. Scheer to arrange my schedule like he did for the last two years :-)
I've already met three of my classes and the biggest challenge so far seems to be Moodle, the online course "assistant" which would be fired if it was a human being. No one I've talked to likes it, neither faculty nor students. Oh, for the days of Semester Book!
I hope to be signing a lease tomorrow for an apartment on the LSU busline, so this traffic/parking nightmare will soon be a thing of the past!
Oh gosh, the first day already?! I'm so oblivious to the college schedules now that I'm out. I wish I was going back but that will come in time (hopefully next year).
Good luck with the classes and the apartment!
I emailed you the other week did I use the right address???
i'm diggin my schedule
except for the 8:30 MWF class, but *shrugs* not THAT bad ^_^
My youngest son's parochial school is straddled between using Edline and Moodle, and so far not many of the teachers seem to be liking it.
Hope the semester goes smooth as silk for you! And we'll do a rain-check make up dinner soon. :)
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